Character To Last A Lifetime

Our school day begins with an all school assembly of songs, skits, and discussions focused on our Evans values. Students are reminded of our overriding goal, which is to make the words of our Evans Pledge come to life throughout the day.

“I promise myself today, to feel, to think, to speak and to act, only in accord with those things which are good and true and beautiful.”

Consistent with the Evans values, our dedication to helping others is paramount. Opportunities for outreach provide our students with an awareness, enhanced perspective,and appreciation for others. We help children begin to recognize the needs of others, empowering them with the skills to be of service. Our aim at Evans is to help children truly “walk the talk.”

“Sit Lux” was chosen by our Founder, meaning “Let There Be Light”…As one of our Evans graduates stated, “Education is a light that allows us to view the world in a deeper, more comprehensive perspective. Education serves as a lantern for us to see through prejudices and understand others. At Evans, we are encouraged to be a light of goodness in this sometimes challenging world.”

Of the many values that Evans represents and teaches, my favorite is Integrity...It means holding onto your values in every decision that you make in life, and having the courage to be an inspiration to others...I feel blessed and fortunate to be at a school where I am surrounded by exemplary people, who prove their Integrity with such ease and grace.

An Evans Sixth Grader

The cornerstone of our Character Education program is composed of the fostering and development of 21 values: Accountability, Attitude, Courage, Courtesy, Compassion, Effort, Gratitude, Honesty, Humility, Initiative, Integrity, Kindness, Loyalty, Patriotism, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Reverence, Sincerity, Sportsmanship, Unselfishness

Our values are incorporated into all academic and extracurricular activities on campus. We help students understand that attitude is as important as aptitude in the achievement of goals. Values are discussed during daily morning assemblies, ensuring each student has a full understanding of the true meaning of each value. Students learn to see a future filled with unlimited possibilities if they are willing to work hard and act with integrity. It is our hope that students continue to demonstrate the Evans 21 values outside of our campus.

















We recognize that an Evans education is a true partnership between faculty, parents, and children. We embark on this journey joyfully, knowing that together we can encourage a love of learning, a desire to develop individual talents, and an appreciation for that which is positive, uplifting and good.

I gained true friendships through being me and never fell for popularity over what is right. At Evans, we were always reminded that what is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular.

An Evans Graduate

The knowledge gained, friendships formed, and spirit felt are the key components of what we call the Evans Experience.

The phrase that is paramount at Evans is that we are committed to assisting children develop “Character to Last a Lifetime.” We keep in constant view our motto, “Let Your Light So Shine.” It remains a beacon, and is our enduring hope that we might enable these children to do just that, equipping them to see, and share that “which is good and true and beautiful.”