Lower School

Junior Kindergarten — Third Grade

It is essential that, in the early years, a love of learning is established. Our Kindergarten provides a warm and lively setting to begin children’s joy of discovery. As many parents say, “Evans Kindergarten is magical!” The Kindergarten Team, made up of three dedicated teachers, incorporate values, academics, fun, projects, and memorable events into one exceptional year.

One favorite tradition at Evans is our Sixth Grade and K Buddy Program. Each Kindergartener is paired with a Sixth Grader and the team spend regular time together throughout the school year. Acting as a mentor, cheerleader, and friend, our older students learn responsibility and compassion looking after our youngest students, while Kindergarteners receive guidance and mentorship from our student leaders.

A special bond between these children continues long after our Sixth Graders have graduated from Evans.

Students in Kindergarten through Third Grade have core academic classes with their homeroom teachers. As a cornerstone of The Evans School, values lessons are integrated throughout the day. Teachers help foster academic, emotional and physical growth as children navigate their way through the beginning years of school.

Curriculum for these early grades focuses on how to reason, write, comprehend, and work both independently and collaboratively. Projects, hands-on activities, and thorough instruction reinforce the strong academic foundation that Evans provides.

From an early age, good study habits, a solid work ethic, and organizational skills are modeled and encouraged. More important than becoming a rocket scientist however, is becoming a good person. Academic skills are taught, but developing character is a daily endeavor. We try every single day, to seek the “Good, and True and Beautiful.”

School spirit is everywhere evident in the Lower School!

Lower School Fine Arts

Evans students learn to develop an appreciation for the arts at a young age. Our students in Kindergarten through Third Grade are exposed to Art, Music and Drama classes each week.


The art room at Evans is a busy and colorful reminder of the emphasis we place on creativity.

Under the energetic guidance of our experienced art teacher, students look forward to these classes and the opportunities to dive into watercolors, pastels, chalk, clay, stitchery,and an introduction to the Masters.


The Evans Music Program can best be summed up in two words…“We Sing!” It is designed to create an appreciation of the joy that music can bring to one’s life. Students gain poise and confidence by performing in our four spirited musical productions. A lifetime of memories are made by not only learning lyrics to songs, but the accompaning melodies which serve to brighten each and every day.


Evans students are introduced to the world of theater through weekly classes, aimed at harnassing imaginations and developing confidence in speaking and acting on stage. Highlights include the Spring Poetry Festival and Readers’ Theater performances.

Lower School Sports

Four days a week, our sports coaches teach physical skills through fitness and a variety of games and sports. Teamwork, spirit, perseverance, and sportsmanship are fostered in every activity.

Special Events

In addition to the numerous all-school special events, each grade enjoys its own memorable activities. Of course, a favorite is Career Week, where there is no limit to the reach of a student’s aspirations and dreams.

Lower School students learn about the culture and traditions of other countries…a fun way to enhance our global awareness.

A favorite visitor to Evans is Dr. Hal Urban, who talks to us about the importance of positive words, good thoughts and kind actions. He reminds us that every day is potentially a great day, and that our good choices influence every thing we do each day.

And of course, our official and loyal “Greeter” is on duty each and every morning to welcome our students.